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We are pleased to say thank you to each of you who attended this conference and thanks to our speakers and sponsors. We appreciate you for taking the time and effort to be at London to attend the FNC Group conference. We thank all of you for your participation and the sharing your ideas and expertise during this conference.

 We certainly hope that the conference has been all that you expected it to be and that you have taken the opportunity to make new friends and renew old acquaintances and to have discussion and exchange of many experiences, suggestions, future business opportunity and opinions with decisions makers to promote business with in the FNC Group companies worldwide.

Conference at Glance

21 Nov 2013 was opened with cocktail reception. All members participated had a wonderful cocktail party with mutual interactions which was ended at 21.30 on the same day.

22 Nov 2013 was the official conference.Mr.Praveen John the President of FNC Group as always insisted the importance of being together as a group member to support and facilitate the business with in the network.

FNC Group administration is pleased to thank Mr.Amit Savjani, Director of Quantum Air and Sea Ltd from the host country who helped our attendees with the invitation letter for obtaining visas for many companies. We appreciate Mr.Amit’s wonderful welcome speech to the delegates and for his cooperation till the final day of the conference.

We are obliged to appreciate Dr.George Potoczki for his remarkable speech on the title- "We need a great team! The power of professional network" which covered -recovery from the economic crisis, challenges in the near future: logistics trends and developments, globalization, security, critical infrastructure, environmental issues. We are pleased to receive much valuable information and educative speech by Dr.George Potoczki.

The one2one session was opened on 22nd Nov from 14.00 hrs till 17.00 hrs. On the same day we organized a gala dinner with award ceremony and distributed participation certificates to all the delegates. We thank each one of them participated in the award ceremony a big thank you and congratulations to all the award recipients for their invaluable support and contribution to the network.

The award recipient was selected by the FNC Group based on the continuous attendance in the FNC Group conferences, event sponsors, and the business support extended by the respective organization within the group. Thanks for all the good hearts who accepted to distribute the awards and certificates.

The one2one session was again continued on 23 Nov from 9.00 a.m. till 17.00 hrs. Hope the discussion that our delegates had was useful and it is going to be effectively working for the coming days.

We greatly appreciate the FNC members to promote their business in the territory in which the organization has registered membership in FNC Group to obtain the best business prospects from the fellow partners. If you wish to promote your branch offices in other countries, you are most welcome to register the office in FNC Group for better results.

We are very happy for the members who really participated in a business goal during the one2one session.

We would like to say again, on the behalf of the FNC Group administration, how much we appreciate all participants, sponsors, attendees and observers for their contribution and efforts. This conference would not have been a success without you. As we conclude this year conference, we hope each of our FNC Group members will work together for business promotion and support each other for mutual business prospective.

We look forward to your active participation in the next FNC Group events and wish you the best success in your future group activities.

 Conference Sponsors
